Spelling list Year Three

Word with a /k/ sound spelled/ch/: ache, choir, school, scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character, mechanic, chord, anchor, architect, chrome, Christ, monarchy, psychology, stomach, technology, orchestra headache, backache, charisma, chaos, chiasm,…

Word with a /ʃ/ sound spelled /ch/ : chef, chalet, machine, brochure, chauffeur, chain, chaise, chalk, challenge, chamber,

Word ending with /g/ sound spelled gue: League, tongue, rogue, vague, fatigue, catalogue, monologue, dialogue, colleague, plague, intrigue, rogue, ideologue, travelogue, prologue,

Word ending with /k/ sound spelt que: antique, unique, cheque, opaque, communique, cinematheque, antique, remarque, boutique, applique, poetesque, barbeque, technique, plastique, critique, postique, marque, masque, Dominque, discotheque

Word with the /s/ sound spelled sc: science, scene, discipline fascinate, muscle, music, isosceles, scissors, adolescent, ascend, descend, obscene, crescent, scenery, escape,

Word with the ei sound,spelled ei. eigh. er: